REGIONAL FOSSILS: discovering the Italian paleontological heritage with PaiP and SPI

We receive and share this interesting initiative, from the collaboration between PaiP (Palaeontologist in Progress) and SPI (Italian Paleontological Society):

During the 22nd edition of the Paleontology Days (Paleodays), the annual meeting of the Italian Paleontological Society (SPI) which this year was held from 8 to 10 June 2022 at the University Pole of Asti and the headquarters of the Management Body of the Astigiano Paleontological Park, the Regional Fossils initiative has started. Born from the synergy between the group of young people of “Palaeontologist in Progress” and the SPI Council, and prepared with the help of many Italian paleontologists, this initiative aims to promote the dissemination and knowledge of our country’s rich
paleontological heritage through the selection of a symbolic fossil for each Italian region. And this is thanks to the vote of anyone interested in the prehistoric riches of Italy.
Among mammoths, dinosaur footprints, fossil leaves, and shells, expert paleontologists gathered in
ad hoc committees have selected a maximum of five fossils representative of their region,
and an information sheet was then prepared for each of them. To discover the applicant fossils and
vote for them just go to the SPI website or stay tuned to the group’s social channels (Instagram: @spi_paleo; @paip_spi; Facebook: From Monday 13 June it is in fact possible to express your vote both on the social channels and on the dedicated page on the SPI website. The winning fossils will be announced at the 2023 Paleontology Days, so keep following the SPI accounts!

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